Localizing Bilateral Finance for Community Rights

Recommendations for the U.S. Agency for International Development

September 26, 2024


Path to Scale



This report was produced in response to interest from USAID in working with the Path to Scale to identify best practices for funding Indigenous and local communities' organizations in keeping with its localization agenda and the Forest Tenure Funders' Pledge. The localization agenda aims to improve bilateral policies and practices to ensure that more direct, fit-for-purpose support reaches Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-descendant Peoples and their allies to secure tenure rights and conserve key ecosystems.

The report presents priority, action-oriented recommendations for USAID to further localization of aid, specifically for communities to secure tenure rights and manage forests. It also identifies how USAID can use the findings to influence, inform, and inspire other bilateral donors to take similar actions to ensure that more resources directly reach rightsholders.